Jonathan de Boyne Pollard <> wrote:
> Sven Hartge:

>> systemd happily runs "legacy" LSB init scripts
> ... except when its one-size-fits-all approach does not work, of 
> course.  Example:

> *

> This is the problem with even Mewburn rc scripts (as I can attest from 
> personal experience of writing replacements for an entire Mewburn rc 
> system) let alone with van Smoorenburg rc scripts (which are far messier 
> than Mewburn rc ones).  One size does not fit all.  One really is not 
> going to ever get a backwards-compatibility mechanism that copes with 
> all such scripts in the general case "happily".

The problem here lies in most cases in the init-scripts, which where
subtly broken to begin with.

I myself had written such init-scripts, which worked well enough while
used by SysV-init, but where technically not correct or did things in a
way that worked on my system but would fail (or create a race condition)
on other systems.

After the switch to systemd those scripts failed on numerous ways and I
cursed at first, but upon closer inspection I saw that they where broken
to begin with and the faulty behavior could also happen with SysV-init.
Fixing those scripts, or, where possible, converting them to native
systemd.units was then the correct solution.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

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