Greg Wooledge:

Gene's copy/paste was crude, but his point was essentially valid:

No, it was not. I remind you of xyr point which was:

Gene Heskett:

So if you call it widely publicized it fails that definition AFAIAC.

That I pointed to 9 different copies, including copies on Debian's own manual pages WWW site for Debian Wheezy as well as in prominent locations for such information (including,, and Stack Exchange), out of the many more copies on the WWW of this information, should be ample demonstration that this is *indeed* widely publicized. It has been so widely publicized that it has even managed to filter through into books, years since. Christopher Negus's _Linux Bible_ points it out, for example, and that was published back in 2015.

Subsequent backpedalling on this claim of not being widely publicized has been to the effect that the wide dissemination of this information did not reach Gene Heskett, which is really not a criterion for being widely publicized, and that somehow, the manual pages that I pointed to were not "Wheezy approved", when clearly they are right there on Debian's own manual pages WWW site for Debian 7 (the string "wheezy" even being in the two URLs given).

The simple truth is that the several independent groups of people who all made these particular changes *did* document them and publicize them. Sadly, there are things far more deserving of the "They didn't tell anyone about this!" accusation; the desuetude of /etc/inittab, which we've been warned about for over ten years, is not however one of them.

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