On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 07:44:07AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
> For sometime I've been causally looking for a blood pressure cuff with
> communication capability that does NOT require a "smart" phone [be
> it Apple or Android].
> A recent hospital stay prompts me to more actively look.
> I currently have a wrist cuff type with memory but no communication
> capability.
> Preferred solutions would be something that:
>  uses the same removable media as digital cameras.
> or
>  has USB connectivity
> Bluetooth or WiFi connectivity would be acceptable.
> Already written Linux apps a plus.
> Any suggestions/comments?
> Thank you.


for my own blood pressure control, I wrote a shell script that serves
me well.

[I get my data through a simple, but fairly precise wrist cuff device
 without capability of saving my data.]

Parallel to measuring my blood pressure, I call up my own shell script
by typing just two letters: 'bl': an alias for my shell script 'blutdruck'
(blood pressure).

When my wrist device shows my data: systolic pressure, diastolic pressure
and my pulse rate, I type these 3 data into my shell script; after that,
my shell script asks for a comment: Here I can add comments to my pressure
results that will fit to a single line.

Finally, my script shows all my data of the actual month, each on a single
line, with my comments (and date+time) added. With a month passing, the
script automatically starts a new file.

(At the end of this script follows an examle of it's output per month;
 comments are free text in any language.

 Check that your system provides parent directories if necessary.

 If you translate certain definitions, be sure to do it in a consistent


#! /bin/bash

#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Begin Functions  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

function Get_Date_by_Names              ()      {

#       yyyy=$(date +%Y)                # year  (2017)
#       mon=$(date +%-m)                # month (1..12)
        mon=$(date +%m)                 # month (01..12)
#       MON=$(date +%b)                 # MONTH (Jan..Dez)
#       dow=$(date +%w)                 # dow   (0..6)
        DOW=$(date +%a)                 # DOW   (So..Sa)
        dom=$(date +%d)                 # day of month
        datum=$(date "+%a, %d.%m.%y  %H.%M")
        dmonat=$(date "+%m.%y")

#       (Combined `date`-Data require a single '+' only)

function Display ()     {


echo    "       Blutdruck Statistik ${dmonat}"
echo    "       -----------------------------"

tail -n 16 Blutdruck_${dmonat}


#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  End of Functions  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


typeset -i ODruck=0 UDruck=0 Puls=0     # 'integer': non-numeric input => '0'

#       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[ ! -d /home/Desktop/Blutdruck ] && mkdir -p /home/Desktop/Blutdruck
cd /home/Desktop/Blutdruck

sudo touch                              Blutdruck_${dmonat}
sudo chown root:staff   Blutdruck_${dmonat}
sudo chmod 0660                 Blutdruck_${dmonat}

echo    "          Blutdruck Statistik ${dmonat}"
echo    "       --------------------------------"

tail -n 14 Blutdruck_${dmonat}

echo -n "       Blutdruck, oberer Wert: ";  read ODruck
[ $ODruck -eq 0 ] && Display
#                                        ~~~~~~~
echo -n "       Blutdruck, unterer Wert: "; read UDruck
[ $UDruck -eq 0 ] && Display
#                                        ~~~~~~~
echo -n "       PulsSchläge pro Minute: "; read Puls
[ $UDruck -eq 0 ] && Display
#                                        ~~~~~~~
echo -n "       + Kommentar ? : "; read Info

echo "  ${datum}  = ${ODruck}/${UDruck} mm Hg // ${Puls}/min    [${Info}]" | 
tee -a Blutdruck_${dmonat};
if      [ "${DOW}" = "So" ]; then
        echo "  -----------------------------------------------"        >> 
                                        >> Blutdruck_${dmonat};


# (End of Prog)


Example of this prog's output (august 2017)

        Do, 24.08.17  03.32  = 148/83 mm Hg // 65/min   [n.Kr.haus, n.unklaren 
Pillen, mit Verst]
        Do, 24.08.17  10.20  = 135/88 mm Hg // 61/min   [(gest: 
Kart+Rapunzel+Feta) n.Pillen, o. Frühstück, mit Verst]
        Do, 24.08.17  14.42  = 115/64 mm Hg // 66/min   [(Pillen alle 24h statt 
36h) ohne Verst, Hafermüsli]
        Do, 24.08.17  15.51  = 112/67 mm Hg // 63/min   [dito, n.4T.Tee]
        Do, 24.08.17  18.32  = 122/72 mm Hg // 68/min   [gerade mit Rad zurück 
von Statenzijl]
        Do, 24.08.17  19.34  = 121/71 mm Hg // 63/min   [dito, 1 h danach]
        Fr, 25.08.17  07.29  = 134/83 mm Hg // 62/min   [wenig Schlaf; gerade 
        Fr, 25.08.17  18.56  = 150/77 mm Hg // 68/min   [Pillen an 36h Ende]
        Fr, 25.08.17  21.44  = 115/69 mm Hg // 73/min   [n. Tee]
        Mo, 28.08.17  09.11  = 111/65 mm Hg // 68/min   [Direkt mit Rad aus 
Bunde zurück]
        Di, 29.08.17  02.29  = 143/67 mm Hg // 62/min   [Beine hoch; P.37h]
        Di, 29.08.17  02.32  = 115/69 mm Hg // 69/min   [dito; Beine unten]
        Mi, 30.08.17  02.01  = 126/72 mm Hg // 68/min   [n. kart. m. gebr. 
        Mi, 30.08.17  14.54  = 118/61 mm Hg // 78/min   [Bauchgrimmen 
(Möhren,Zwetschen?), bessernd]

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