On Fri 20 Oct 2017 at 04:42:53 (-0400), Felix Miata wrote:
> David Wright composed on 2017-10-19 17:00 (UTC-0500):
> > On Wed 18 Oct 2017 at 19:22:53 (-0400), Felix Miata wrote:
> >> Finding a wanted app to run from a classified tree list of 30 or 40 or 50 
> >> or
> >> more applications is easier for most people than remembering the name and 
> >> any
> >> required startup options to type, both for those uncommonly used, and even 
> >> for
> >> the commonly used ones if there are more than a scant few such. 2 or 3 or 4
> >> clicks to start one up is typically easier than typing 4, 5, 6, 7 or more
> >> characters, or searching command history more than a few entries back.
> > Do you need a DE to do that? What's the difference between that and
> > the Debian menus that I occasionally use? 
> Don't I?


> One of the few positive paradigms to come out of Redmond was the button
> at the lower left corner of the screen to open a tree-structured list of
> applications and utilities available to run. I've yet to see a materially 
> better
> one that that derived from it for KDE2 or 3 that added a search box.

Which is what the Debian menu gives you. If you want the tree to look like
the windows® one, just initiate it (for me it's a left click in the root
window, ie outside any application's window) near the lower left corner.

> >> It's a
> >> nice bonus in some DEs that automatically remember and reopen apps, their
> >> content states, and their window sizes and positions.
> > That's more debatable. Some people like that, some like me prefer
> > a particular setup whenever I start X, some use Place with Mouseclick,
> > etc. But there appear to be separate packages to handle this, like
> > lxsession and devilspie. 
> I need all the help I can get to pickup where I left off when interrupted and
> forced to end the session before the WIP can be completed.
> >> For some, the microscopic default text size and fractional default 
> >> proportion of
> >> screen area (80x25, using as little as 1/16 or less of total screen space) 
> >> of
> >> xterm windows impedes their use for anything.
> > I've seen reports of fonts getting tinier as resolutions increase,
> > and not just on linux. I don't know how hard or easy it is to provide
> > sensible defaults for every application on every system, and in any
> > case circumstances vary. People with poor sight want large characters,
> > others want more characters on the screen. In the specific case of
> > xterm, I want and have both, and different fonts too, just by setting
> > different commandline options and Xresources. 
> It's not resolutions per se, but resolution increases have considerable 
> tendency
> to carry higher pixel density, notwithstanding the considerable average 
> density
> differences between laptop displays and desktop displays. The problem comes 
> from
> several sources:

… which have to do with how X is configured, not whether you use a DE.
Your point about the size of the "default" size of xterm (where "default"
depends where you're coming from) is easily changed in any WM, and the
ability to correct or circumvent it doesn't depend on running a DE.

In the earlier thread I alluded to, there was no need (with
installation of a couple of packages and a font change) for
the OP even to bother with running X to fix their original


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