
Am 2018-03-24 hackte jmc...@gmail.com in die Tasten:
> I was planing on getting Debian 64bit version on a live/install dvd,
> but

No "BUT", just try it.  If the Live-DVD works correctly,
you can install Debian at any time on the Laptop.

> now delayed because the recent negative comments I read about Debian 9
> on this list. so help me out please advice and comments welcome.

Ignore such idiots.
They only complain but do not want to hear anything about help.

If you install Debian and have problems, ask gently on this list
and you get the desired help.

> So here i am fresh meat needs to be cured, cooked and served up.

We all have started like this.  Me in 1999 with Debian 2.1 Slink!
This was a time, where documentation was very rare and you had to
bite in the sauer appel if you want to get GNU/Linux installed
(no mather which Distribution)

> thank you friends, jimmy, southern plains USA

Have a nice weekend and greetings from Estonia
with -8°C on the field where I was just working

Michelle Konzack        Miila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer     00372-54541400

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