On Fri, 2018-09-07 at 13:02 -0700, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
> On 09/07/2018 12:19 PM, Eike Lantzsch wrote:
> > On Friday, September 7, 2018 5:34:00 PM -04 Dominic Knight wrote:
> > > Whilst trying to create one partition out of two (using disks)  I
> > > appear to have accidentally deleted the partition table of
> > > (almost) the whole drive.
> > Then diverse methods for partition table recovery are open to you.
> > All the best
> > E.L.
> What the Doctor ordered:
> How to Recover a Disk Partition with TestDisk and GParted Live

It seems the problem was that it wasn't really deleted at all, just
'disks' (the software program) being a bit useless and saying it was. I
had wondered what I had done to cause it as I was fairly certain I had
double checked what I was doing. I had deleted one partition ready to
expand another into it when 'disks' decided to play a trick on me.

Slightly worrying when it tells you there is one big empty drive,
and then gpart reporting this

 Warning: more than 4 primary partitions: 6.
Partition(Linux swap or Solaris/x86): primary 
Partition(Linux ext2 filesystem): primary 
Partition(Linux ext2 filesystem): primary 
Partition(Linux ext2 filesystem): primary 
Partition(Linux ext2 filesystem): invalid primary 
Partition(Linux ext2 filesystem): invalid primary 

is a bug in that piece of software?

There is actually one primary and one extended all are ext4.

gparted reports all is good. 
Risked a reboot and everything is just fine.


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