Trevis Schiffer writes:


I am trying to build a custom ISO from this guide:

But the ISO fails to boot, with a message that it can't find the init system.

Then trying to understand: but the whole page is bit overkill for what I want to do.

Do you know any simple, minimalist, up-to-date guide to create a custom minimal live ISO?

I do not know of any guide (btw. thanks for sharing the link, I think it will also be useful for me in the future...).

Might be too trivial a question, but: If the message is about a missing init system, have you cheked some options around that? If I understand the guide correctly, it recommends using

        apt-get update && \
        apt-get install --no-install-recommends \
            linux-image-686 \
            live-boot \

You might try using regular sysvinit? In my scripts I use
package `live-config-systemd` (which is not sysvinit but still another package as recommended in the guide). As a debugging measure it might also be interesting to omit the `--no-install-recommends` because the missing package might be reommended by another and it would be easy if the fix is just installing some more packages (one can find out which exactly are needed later).

Also, it is fine if you want to know all the details and create the live-iso with the guide, but other more automated approaches exist, e.g. I used `remastersys` (now seems to be continued as Linux Respin? in the past which most often produced good results (except images were sometimes too large but that was my fault of wanting to include too much software).

In case you try a remastersys-like approach and it fails for some reason, I have some modified version of (the original) remastersys which continues to work to today with systemd and new kernels, although I have not tried it with Debian Sid yet and my automation still fails to setup the desired keyboard layout and timezone for the resulting live system :)

I want some network audit tools, emacs-nox, zfs-fuseĀ  etc with a sid ISO.

Definitely doable. If you want to run it on a live CD/DVD you need to follow your guide or remastersys or such. If it later runs on an USB pendrive, you could also consider just "installing" Debian to the drive and see how far you can get with making the essential parts read-only afterwards? This would enable you to upgrade the system later (which is good for everyhting network- connected?)

Just a collection of thoughts, nothing precise at the moment :(


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