On Thu, 2019-04-11 at 20:01 -0700, David Christensen wrote:
> On 4/11/19 5:02 AM, Tom Browder wrote:
> > I'm preparing to install Win 10 and Deb 9 on a new ZaReason laptop
> > which
> > has no installed OS on it.
> > 
> > It comes with one 120 Gb SSD as its primary drive and has an empty
> > bay
> > where I will install a Samsung evo 860 1 Tb SSD.
Detailed instructions for installation media are at


They also apply to live-cd/live-dvd .iso media per


The process (using the cp command on linux or functionally similar
commands on Windows) creates a file system that you do not have reason
to know or care about. The last one I used had a small EFI partition
(type ef) and 2.4 GB marked empty that actually contained all the data
and mount recognizes as an iso9660 file system.

Other parts of the Debian Installation Guide are likely to be useful as

I can offer the following dual boot installation as a suggestive
example. This was to a HP Pavilion laptop dating from about 2011 that
has a traditional BIOS rather than EFI with the original HP setup and
Windows 10 (upgrade from Windows 7). I can't claim the procedure will
work on other equipment or EFI, but it seems reasonably likely that it

In this case, I did not touch the internal disk because the HP factory
installation of Windows and various HP utilities used all four available
partitions. Instead, I installed Debian (Buster, but Stretch should not
be different in any significant way) on a 128 GB USB key, using either
the Live image mentioned above or a Netinstall .iso image put on the USB
key as described in the installation guide.

I let the installer partition the USB key that was the install target
and picked LVM, but specified distinct /, /usr/, /var, /home, and swap
partitions and left some empty space within the LVM volume group. The
installer offers a number of other options. Once partitioning was
complete, the installation was like any other Debian install, including
grub installation, which automatically found both the USB "disk" and the
internal disk with Windows.

I left the BIOS boot sequence with the USB device ahead of the internal
disk in the boot sequence, resulting in:

1. With the USB key in place, the Grub menu allowed choice of either
Debian (default) or Windows from the internal disk;

2. With the USB key removed, Windows booted normally.

There were no issues except that I seem to remember having to restore
the BIOS boot sequence after a Windows Patch Tuesday.

Tom Dial

> Which model zareason laptop?
> Which make, model, form factor, and interface 120 GB SSD?
> Which form factor and interface Samsung EVO 860 1 TB SSD?
> How much RAM?
> Make and model WiFi interface?
> David

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