On 7/25/19 5:06 PM, Joel Roth wrote:
On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 02:16:09PM -0400, deb wrote:
I have a large static html/AJAX .js apache2 site.

If I want to have a server-side script just to
handle a contact <form> and push mail out;
is there a non-(Django/cgi**/Flask) way to
run a small Python3 script to do this?
What not cgi? Isn't that the original and minimal
way to accomplish this?

The python3 mail script already works standalone (tests out fine from CLI,
on the server).

I'd rather not Flask out the whole website just to get the ability to run
one .py script for contact mail.

I'd rather not add .php to the server just to do this contact form.

** /cgi-bin to run the single python3 script is deprecated [Correct?].
Supported by existing protocols and running millions of


It is a straight-up HTML5 form ... that USED to post to .aspx.
<form method="POST"  id='contactForm' action="  ?  " >

While I would prefer the answer to be python-ish,
it does to Have to be python.

Is there any specific reason you don't just use mod_python, to remove the overhead of a CGI script?

Carl Fink                           nitpick...@nitpicking.com

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