On 10/6/19 9:16 PM, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
Your self-description of being rude is absolutely correct.  Apart from
that, you are self-righteous; there is a vast difference between that
and being right (which, incidentally, you are not).

Mind you, all you've managed to accomplish is to incite some folks to
suggest ways to work around the behavior you encountered, ways you can
make improvements to Debian yourself, and ways to better approach
volunteers to get your problem addressed.  In return, all you've done is
continue your abusive behavior.  I am not a fortune teller, but it seems
that unless you make a drastic change in your approach nothing will
improve for you.

From his writing style, I get the feeling goleo is a young teen, perhaps
someone who learned social skills in a multiplayer game online.

Carl Fink                           nitpick...@nitpicking.com

Read my blog at blog.nitpicking.com.  Reviews!  Observations!

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