On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 21:10:01 +0100 Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Du, 16 feb 20, 09:36:16, Charlie Gibbs wrote:
>> On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 14:20:01 +0100 Andrei POPESCU
>> <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Just use whatever works for you.
>> If you can.  I really resent the increasing amount of coercion
>> toward using GUIs (no keyboard equivalents for menus, etc.) that
>> I'm seeing in modern software.
> Coercion is a strong word. It seems to me it's rather a form of
> demand and supply.

They're demanding you use what they supply.

> With touchscreen technology becoming the standard even for laptops
> and desktop monitors the demand for keyboard oriented interaction
> decreases so the developers must create interfaces that are better
> suited for tap / swipe.

Fine.  But the keyboard should still be an option.  All I'm asking
is that I be allowed to choose.  I'm not insisting that everyone
use a keyboard, and likewise people should not insist that I
_not_ use a keyboard.

> The keyboard will soon be used exclusively for text entry and will
> probably disappear as soon as we have something better,

FSVO "better"

> like voice dictation,

Good luck if you have a cold.

> direct neural interface, whatever.

Now _that_ might be interesting...

/~\  Charlie Gibbs                  |  Microsoft is a dictatorship.
\ /  <cgibbs@kltpzyxm.invalid>      |  Apple is a cult.
 X   I'm really at ac.dekanfrus     |  Linux is anarchy.
/ \  if you read it the right way.  |  Pick your poison.

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