On 11/19/20 11:23 PM, Andy Smith wrote:

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 10:42:53PM +0100, Flo wrote:
The mail files for each account are stored at /var/mail. No it has come to
that point that such a file exceeded 2GB. And 'Get Messages' doesn't work

Does anyone know about this issue? Any hints to solve it? I could try a
different pop3 server?

I have no experience with popa3d but if it supports Maildir instead
of mbox format then you could start storing users' mails in Maildir
format. Maildir's one file per message approach usually provides
better performance, though you do end up with a lot of metadata
activity on the filesystem.

I don't think it can deal with the Maildir format. Thank you for sharing this idea.

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