On Sun, 20 Dec 2020 19:05:45 +0000
mick crane <mick.cr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's a more or less new bullseye installation.
> The installer kindly set up a Volume Group and added Logical Volumes
> of a couple of the partitions on the disk with the OS on it.
> I want to add another disk to use for data.

A couple of thoughts here.

* Are you adding the new disk permanently or as removable media?

  If the latter, put a separate VG on it. Or don't bother. The reason I
  suggest this is if the new disk is removable, having the same VG span
  both disks may make the permanent disk unusable if the removable one
  is gone.

  If it is permanent, consider redoing both of them as a RAID level
  1, with encryption and LVM on top of that. Be sure to leave a boot
  partition on at least one of them.

* You said nothing about encryption. That may impact the order in which
  you do things.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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