Steven Mainor <> wrote:

> The idea was to create a large striped raid array(perhaps RAID6) of 
> spinning disks to use as a large storage area for extra VM backups and 
> large projects I'm working on. And in the process I could learn more 
> about RAID controllers.

To be honest: RAID controllers are on their way out, a thing of the

Performance-wise, MD-RAID or ZFS on Linux is faster than doing the same
via a RAID controller, while at the same time having far less
complexity and failure points.

RAID controllers need a prioprietary tool to configure and maintain
them, hide your disks behind a single block device and then often make
it difficult or impossible to check them, for example via smartd.

You have to rely on the proprietary tool to notify you of a disk failure
and hope it works and keeps working. I have quite often seen these tools
only be availble for ancient Red Hat versions and a pain to get to work
on anything else.

My advise: Don't bother "learning RAID controllers".


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