On 22-02-2021 07:09, Stefan Monnier wrote:
>>  5) the mirror debian site (ftp.acc.umu.se) had smelly prefixes as
>> subdomains (apparently Chinese transliterations) {chuangtzu, laotzu}
> FWIW, when naming machines in a subdomain (e.g. for .acc.umu.se) it's
> quite common to first decide on a "theme" and then pick names from that
> theme.  E.g. a computer lab's nodes may all have names of dinosaurs, or
> names of alcoholic drinks, etc...
> Searching for chuangtzu and laotzu suggests these are names of great
> figures of Taoism, so it seems very kosher to me.

The only mirror that has ever pulled anything hinky with me, over about
20 years, was the Australian one: mirror.aarnet.edu.au.
I got dropped any number of times, then advised `server unobtainable',
These days, under current circumstances of insanity, I should feel much
more comfortable working of a Chinese server than any number of others.
But then, I'm not a bankrupt national context grasping at straws on the
way down.


`The World is not dangerous because of those who do harm but
 because of those who look on without doing anything'.
 -- Albert Einstein

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