This is definitely OT and further, I'm using an old version of Firefox (ESR 
52.8.0 on Wheezy, which is still my daily driver), but I want to describe the 
behavior and see if anybody has seen anything similar, has an explanation, or 
has a fix.

The behavior is this: at least sometimes (I can't confirm that it happens every 
time) when I go to do a google search, the little message down in the lower 
left corner of the screen that typically gives messages like (paraphrased): 
~"waiting for" or "loading data from" (with variations 
on the URL) sometimes starts with a completely irrelevant URL (but one that I 
recognize and that concerns me).

The URL is, which is the URL of a public library (in the US) of 
which I am a member.

My concerns include the following:

   * is somehow tracking what I do on google?

   * even if not, this seems to be slowing down my search results

I have experimented with disabling cookies from both and 
the http:// variation, but that doesn't seem to have an effect.

Any ideas how this could be happening or how to stop it?

(I do plan to write to the administrator at, but I thought I'd 
try to do some investigation first (into how this might happen.)

All ideas welcome, including search terms which might be useful to search for 
more information on google or such.


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