On Vi, 25 iun 21, 20:44:51, Francesco Florian wrote:
> You may want to change all instances of 'buster' to 'stable', so that 
> you don't have to bother changing it whenever new version of debian is 
> released as stable.
> This is, if you really want to track 'stable', i.e., automatically 
> switch to the new stable release when it becomes such.
> Just my 2c.

Let me add to the other voices disagreeing with this.

The only potential "benefit" to this is that every two years or so you 
will find yourself in the middle of a partial distribution upgrade[1] 
with no preparation.

It's much better to use the codename instead and subscribe to 
debian-announce (in addition to debian-security-announce, of course). 
When a new release is announced start preparing for the upgrade, you 
have one year to do so.

[1] unless you're one of those still running dist-upgrade for every 
security update, just because `apt-get` doesn't install new packages by 
default. You might want to switch to `apt` instead.

Kind regards,

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