What are you asking for here ? Or trying to achieve ?

On 2021-08-02 4:48 p.m., Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> I cowarded out of Terminal, or not really, cos Gnome Multiwriter did it
> in 5 minutes.
> But later I`ll try it, if 64 bit doesn`t work in this old computer that
> only Looks like a Mac. But is it, really? Not in my point of view; no
Your point of view is irrelevant unless you are having a conversation
with yourself.

What make a computer a "Mac" or not a "Mac" is totally unrelated to the
software you run on it. No one asked you "Do you run MacOS".

What make your computer a Mac and still a Mac, and will be a Mac, was a
Mac, continue to be a Mac is the plain fact that it's got produced on
Apple's production line and is running all the software in ROM required
to boot that make it a Mac. If it's not a Mac, then it's a PC and you
either have BIOS or UEFI, which is not the case.

> Mac software, except some hotkey functions, a pretty good keyboard,
> so-and-so dvd player, & a Toshiba SSD (original or not; did SSD exist in
> 2007? Who cares? Philosophy, history, or both? What's "both"?
Yes SSD existed in 2007 and what's the point ?

What's the link between SSD and what you are writing here ?

You seem to be part of a one-man show...

I've tried to give you a helping hand but don't seem much to get it.

And as I've seen other have tried too.

Linux is supported by dozen of architectures, does they all become PCs
because they ain't running their original operating system. No they

> Psychology, haha; narrative philosophical walkthroughs PC pasts?)
Only you seem to be making so deep heard philosophical problem with
plain easy question
> BR,
> geg

Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
-Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

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