Bob Bernstein <> writes:

> Full disclosure: In a typical Bob fit of impulsivity I, yes, edited
> this file using 'sudo nsno /etc/sudoers'.

In general, consider making a backup of config files before editing.

Here's a sudo mini course:

- Consider what needs to run as root and only run that command with sudo.
- To edit a file: sudoedit file
- Sometimes it's just easier to to run a shell as root: sudo -s

For documentation:
- man sudo
- man sudoers

> Alright, enough fooling around. I am a great fan of Dr. John
> E. Davis's (the author of jed) viewer app 'most.' I cannot seem to
> persuade mc to honor my env var VIEWER which asks for 'most.'

Wow, I didn't know most is still around. I remember using it a long time
ago but I've stuck with less. I guess mostly because it's a lot more
likely to be available than most as I use Linux systems that I don't
manage myself as well...

Anyways, the mc manual says mc uses the builtin viewer unless "Use
internal view" option is disabled, otherwise it uses PAGER or
VIEWER. Seems to work for me for both less and most.

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