On Fri, 27 Aug 2021 21:35:38 -0500
Intense Red <intns...@golgotha.net> wrote:

>    On a new HP Laptop pre-installed with Win10 Home edition installed
> on an SSD. In the laptop's BIOS Secure Boot was turned off.
>    A fresh copy of Debian 11 was installed into the machine's 1TB HD.
> After reboot, GRUB comes up normally and Linux works fine.
>    But once Windows is chosen from GRUB Windows overwrites the MBR
> and on subsequent boots GRUB has been disappeared and the machine
> boots straight into Windows every time.
>    Question: How can Windows be lobotomized to stop it from
> overwriting the MBR and doing this behavior?
You can't do anything worth a damn to Windows. What you need to do is
to get grub in the right place and have it configure the boot menu for
itself to be given first boot.

Did you use the Expert installer?

I put stretch on a Win10 netbook, at some point the installer said it
had found another OS, did I want dual-boot? I didn't actually need
Windows, but I said 'yes' to keep the option open, and stretch just did
it. No problem. The BIOS was UEFI and didn't have a secure boot
disable, but it still just worked.

Mind you, when I upgraded to buster, I could no longer boot the machine
at all without manual use of the BIOS boot menu, so I consider buster's
installer inferior to that of stretch. Haven't tried bullseye yet.

And bear in mind that some BIOSes are broken, and do not implement UEFI
correctly. Mine fortunately honours NextBoot, or I really would have to
eliminate Windows, but frustratingly does not honour DefaultBoot, and
always defaults to a state where it looks for Debian but fails to find
it. If Debian is NextBoot, it is found with no difficulty, so it's not
that the UEFI boot code is in the wrong place or is non-functional.


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