On Lu, 22 nov 21, 11:39:46, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> That's as far as I got.  If the OP wants to try writing a systemd --user
> unit file for their unison thingy, and see if that starts and stops in
> a way that they find acceptable, that would be a cool experiment.
It's a good way to run background user services.

One less obvious pitfall is that user services/targets/etc. can't 
reference system services, so something like


will have no effect. I'm using this hack instead:

    ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/sh -c 'until systemctl --quiet is-active 
network-online.target ; do sleep 1 ; done'

(a system service pulling network-online.target is also necessary, 
because as per above, the user service can't do that, see 
systemd.special(7) for details)

Kind regards,

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