
Em [2022-01-03 seg 10:03:08-0500], Michael Stone escreveu:

> On Mon, Jan 03, 2022 at 08:42:29AM -0300, Jorge P. de Morais Neto wrote:
>>Indeed I use such high compression to prolong SSD lifetime.
> This is probably misguided and useless at best, at worst you're causing 
> additional writes because compressed data is generally hard to modify in 
> place without rewriting substantial portions.

But doesn't Btrfs compression work with small blocks?


Fedora change proposal of Btrfs transparent compression by default
mentions increased flash-based media lifespan in the summary:


> For reference, my main desktop which tracks debian unstable and gets
> pretty much constant updates, does package builds, etc., has after
> several years used...2% of its primary SSDs write capacity.  Most
> modern SSDs will never be used anywhere close to their limits before
> being discarded as functionally obsolete.  Just don't worry about it
> and focus on other things.

Thank you for the advice.  Indeed I should be a bit less obsessed with
certain details.  I at least dropped the idea of messing with swappiness
(as mentioned earlier in this thread) thanks to similar advice.  I have
a weakness for ricing which I must moderate.

Kind regards

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  injustice.  Ask me about <https://stallmansupport.org>
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