Le 3/19/23 à 18:51, DdB a écrit :
Great hint there!
I just tested it in a couple of areas and found it to be quite useful,
by far more up-to-date and i did enjoy the experience.
Thank you for sharing it.

Am 19.03.2023 um 12:01 schrieb Yassine Chaouche:
In contrast,
a tool like perplexity.ai is an answer-questionning tool.
Is is a search engine.
It cites its sources,
so you can check for yourself whether it's talking crap,
or if it's backed by facts.

Enjoy :)

You may also give you.com chat a try.
when perplexity.ai fails to give a satisfying answer,
I turn to you.com chat,
which is another question-answering search engine that cites its sources.

Yassine -- sysadm
57 33

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