Jesper Dybdal <> wrote:
> Yesterday, I upgraded Buster => Bullseye.

> I have a cron job that cleans up all old mail from the mailbox that I 
> use for my mobile phone by running "doveadm expunge" every night.

> That worked fine in Buster, but now it fails:
>> jdmobile@nuser:~$ doveadm expunge  mailbox '*' before 25d
>> doveconf: Fatal: Error in configuration file 
>> /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf line 23: ssl_cert: Can't open file 
>> /etc/letsencrypt/live/ Permission denied

> Of course, doveadm cannot access the TLS key when running as a normal 
> user.  But why should it try to access that key at all when I have just 
> asked it to clean up my own files in my own Maildir?  Is there a way to 
> make it not try to access that key and do its job anyway?  Or another 
> way to delete old mail?

Solution is to move the contents of /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf to
another file in /etc/dovecot, like /etc/dovecot/ssl-keys.conf and then
replace conf.d/10-ssl.conf with this:

| ##
| ## SSL settings
| ##
| ssl = no
| !include_try /etc/dovecot/ssl-keys.conf

That way it will not fail anymore for processes not having the correct
permissions, like when being invoked by a normal user on the CLI.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

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