On 2023-06-06 17:02 -0700, Jacob Rutherford wrote:

> I've been trying to debug a binary that's linked against the libc6 package
> from Sid, but some of my tools are telling me that debuginfo for the libc6
> sources aren't found on the debuginfod servers. The matching build-ids can
> be found in the libc6-dbg package here:
> https://packages.debian.org/sid/amd64/libc6-dbg/filelist, but they cannot
> be found on the debuginfod server for some reason, eg:
> https://debuginfod.debian.net
> $ llvm-debuginfod-find-15 --debuginfo
> 0401bd8da6edab3e45399d62571357ab12545133 # pick any build-id from libc6-dbg
> build id not found
> $ curl
> https://debuginfod.debian.net/buildid/0401bd8da6edab3e45399d62571357ab12545133/debuginfo
> not found
> Any ideas why this might be the case?

Not really.  According to the page in the Debian Wiki[1] this is
supposed to work (and with libc6-dbg from stable it does appear to
work), so maybe you should contact Sergio Durigan Junior directly.

Good luck,

1. https://wiki.debian.org/Debuginfod#What_distributions_are_supported.3F

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