I thought I had posted this to the debianlist but somehow it seems to have been posted to myself

Weeks went by with no response from the list so I gave up, burnt the iso to dvd and used it install bookworm on a new pc. The installation went smoothly and I am using the new pc.

Should I be concerned with the failed verification and if so what should I do about it.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Problem verifying iso file
Date:   Sun, 18 Jun 2023 16:45:45 -0400
From:   Thomas George <debianl...@mailfence.com>
To:     Tom <debianl...@mailfence.com>

What am i doing wrong?

I downloaded SHA512SUMS.txt, SHA512SUMS.sign.txt. SHA256SUMS.txt. SHA256SIMS.sign.txt, and debian-12.0.0-amd64 -DVD-1.iso

I tried md5sum SHA512SUMS.txt SHA512SUMS.sign.txt

The outputs do not match.

I tried md5sum SHA512SUMS.txt debian-12.0.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso

The outputs do not match

I tried all the variations of the above.

The outputs do not match

Please help

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