Op 18-10-2023 om 18:30 schreef David Wright:
On Tue 17 Oct 2023 at 19:41:43 (+0200), Gertjan Klein wrote:
gklein@parvos:~$ cat /etc/passwd | grep gklein
gklein:x:1000:1000:Gertjan Klein,,,:/home/gklein:/bin/bash

On my (bullseye) system, that field is what is used to get my full

It's what I'd expect to be used, unless configured otherwise.

(Note that I don't personally send mail this way—I use mutt, of course.)

I don't intend to send mail from this machine myself, I want mail from the system (e.g. unattended-upgrades) delivered to my personal mailbox.

No, my system uses mailutils:

As you may have seen in my response to Greg, replacing mailutils with bsd-mailx (and adding a configuration line) did solve the issue. I think this at least proves that nullmailer did not mess with the From header.

I don't know why your mailutils works when mine doesn't. Perhaps a difference between the bookworm and bullseye versions, perhaps a configuration setting somewhere. I gave up; I've spent way more time on this than I should already. The mail will all be sent to me; it's ultimately irrelevant what name is in the header. It was just an itch. (I did learn a few things along the way, though, so it wasn't a waste of time!)

I don't know much/anything about nullmailer, or why you chose it.
(But then, the only reason I use exim4 is because I know how to
   # dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config

I used to use exim4, and I have instructions written down for configuring it. But exim4 is a full-fledged mail server, and I don't need that (or feel competent to maintain it), so I went looking for something more lightweight. Nullmailer seemed adequate for my needs.

Thanks, kind regards,

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