On Mon, 18 Dec 2023 at 22:15, Felix Miata <mrma...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Thus, you, as admin, construct working stanzas however you like, with or 
> without
> UUIDS, with or without device names, with or without volume LABELS, however 
> you
> like boot to go, and they don't get changed, except by the admin - you. This 
> is
> easy, because you as admin can use the kernel (and initrd) symlinks Debian 
> puts in
> /, or anywhere you'd like symlinks to them to go, for distros that don't
> automatically create them for you. There's no need for maintenance when new
> kernels are installed in the case of Debian and other distros that 
> automatically
> generate new symlinks. For those that don't, creating them is trivial.
> <https://forums.opensuse.org/t/how-to-have-a-custom-uefi-grub-menu-for-a-multiboot-system/133541/2>
> is a thread that goes through my UEFI system setups.
> --

Thanks very much for your help, I reckon I can make that work.

Is that the "official" answer? I am curious to know from Debian
GRUBbers (as it were) if the behaviour I am describing in this thread
is expected...



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