On 1/27/24, Andrew M.A. Cater <amaca...@einval.com> wrote:
> I am consistently *puzzled* by what you are trying to do: I think that
> that is just effectively recording the repository that the package comes
> from. What does your /etc/sources.list consist of - and if it references
> bookworm, in what way does 12.4 surprise you? (Hint: That will change
> in about two weeks to 12.5 ...)

 Thank you! I didn't know what it meant.

> Your approach to all of this is best described as idiosyncratic - if
> you really don't trust Debian and apt and the way we do things

 Debian and apt and the way things are done within this OS cultural
ecosystem are fine, except for the assumption of using the Internet as
a trusted medium to any extent ("except", right? ;-)). I just got some
retribution from the Internet AI Gods, it seems. No internet access
for a week ...

> what
> *do* you trust?

 Well, let me just say that it somehow makes me feel somewhat
satisfied. As some sort of conservation law I think when they give me
sh!t you are not getting it ...


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