On 20/02/2024 02:35, Erwan David wrote:
Le 19/02/2024 à 18:00, Max Nikulin a écrit :
    systemctl disable --now apt-daily.timer apt-daily-upgrade.timer

Perhaps it is possible to write a script that will respect connection.metered property set by NetworkManager.

I disable the timers, thanks

To avoid confusion, these timers are from the apt package, not from unattended-upgrades. So they are active on most Debian hosts. Desktop environments may display notifications after actions initiated by these timers. Likely desktop environments may do more, e.g. to query GNOME application shop for updates and initiate more frequent updates.

I'll have a look at connection.metered

Out of curiosity I have queried https://codesearch.debian.net. It seems, apt has no notion of metered connection. Perhaps the effect can be achieved by adding to unit configuration some Condition* mentioned in systemd.directives(7)


busctl get-property \
  org.freedesktop.NetworkManager \
  /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager \
  org.freedesktop.NetworkManager Metered

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