On 04/05/2024 13:52, Paul Scott wrote:
On 5/3/2024 11:25 PM, Max Nikulin wrote:

It may happen that F4 is not F4 unless you press and hold Fn first. It is default on some laptops and may be changed in firmware setup.
Inst all docs say Left Alt F4 but no combination of other keys with F4 worked.

On my laptop F4 worked as increase screen brightness (XF86MonBrightnessUp) out of the box. I have not tried it with Alt. That is why [Fn+Alt+F4] was necessary to get the action described for [Alt+F4].

Have you tried [Alt+F1] ([Fn+Alt+F1]), F2, and other F-digit keys instead of F4?

Obviously vt with log is not available on the stage of grub boot menu.

I don't understand that for this install case,

Due to lack of details, I am unsure at which installation stage you faced issues. That is why I decided to rule out the case that you stuck when grub boot menu appeared.

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