On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 09:47:37AM +0100, David Baron wrote:
> No, this is not being run on Debian startup. Editing either /etc/default/
> hdparm or (I made a) /etc/hdparm.conf has not effect.
> Where does one fine hwtools? apt-get did not work.
> How might one add and a script  /etc/rc#/hdparm? (Just take one of the other, 
> leave the preambles and simply do hdparm?)
Hello David,

I find the Debian packages "hwtools" and "hdparm" on my Debian cdroms.

With "hdparm", you can adjust the performance of your hd's and cdrom's.

With "hwtools", you get the program 'irqtune', allowing you to reorder
the priority of your system's irq's; simply running '/usr/sbin/irqtune'
will optimize serial line performance (for internet connections) without
impairing your IDE-performance.

On my private system, I wrote '/etc/init.d/hdparm.sh' containing just a
single command:
        . /etc/default/hdparm.sh

('chown root:root hdparm.sh'  'chmod 0755 hdparm.sh')

within '/etc/rcS.d', I set a single calling link:
        'ln ../init.d/hdparm.sh S05hdparm.sh'

(no stop command required at shutdown)

The real shell script 'hdparm.sh' I put into '/etc/default/', in order
to have my basic system configuration combined within one directory.

The following shows my shell script '/etc/default/hdparm.sh';
(old motherboard with two year old HD's; your optimization may vary):

## (Begin of shell script):

# hdparm.sh     Tune harddisc + cdrom       \wwf 14.5.03
#   This prog should be called early from /etc/rcS.d

# Common Params for both HDs
/sbin/hdparm -A1 -c1 -d1 -X34 -k1 -m16 -u1 -S192 /dev/hda /dev/hdb

# Params for CDROM
/sbin/hdparm -c1 -d1 -X34 -k1 -u1 /dev/hdc

# Some params briefly explained:
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# -A1   = set drive read-lookahead
# -c1   = set IDE 32-bit IO setting
# -d1   = set using_dma flag
# -X34  = select multiword DMA mode2
# -k1   = keep_settings_over_reset flag
# -m16  = set multiple sector count (hdparm -i -> MaxMultSect=16)
# -u1   = set unmaskirq flag
# -S192 = set spindown timeout = 192 * 5 sec == 16 min

## (End of shell script)

Good luck


Wilko Fokken                           Education is a man's going
Landschaftspolder 67                   from cocksure ignorance
D-26831 Dollart                        to thoughtful uncertainty.
Tel. 04953-382

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