On Sun, Feb 08, 2004 at 08:40:33PM +0100, Andreas Janssen wrote:
> Using Knoppix on the hard disk means no security updates, a system only
> upgradable to unstable, and a lot of possible problems for beginners.

It all depends on what kind of beginner. When I was new to Debian my
major problems were getting X and my sound card to work, and other
similar things. Knoppix would have taken care of that for me.

> There are other Debian based distributions that are easy to install,
> have support by the distributor and are a much better choice for hard
> disk installations.

Possibly, but I'm not familiar with any of them. Are there iso's available
on the net as well?

> And let's not forget about distros like Mandrake and SuSE, that offer
> a lot more than Knoppix, and are also easy to install and use.

When I started out I wanted to run Debian. Knoppix may not be Debian,
but it's more Debian than Mandrake or SuSE. Also I've tried Mandrake and
SuSE, and I've found their "free" version lacking. They often include
very little software. I think mandrake was 3 cds and the third was just
documentation or something like that. And SuSE doesn't even have iso's
on the net. I did buy a boxed set of SuSE once, and I just gave up on it.

Bijan Soleymani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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