Sam Halliday <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hank Marquardt wrote:
>> I've added experimental to list.sources, I've update and even upgraded
>> today so the system is current, here's my current X inventory:
> [ snip lots of 4.2.1-16 stuff ]
>> What I'm concerned with is that if I enumerate all those in a 'apt-get
>> --simulate install' statement I get concerned by the output of
>> removing xlibmesa3 and xlibmesa3-gl ... it looks like all of KDE is
>> linked/effected by that and while KDE isn't explicitly being removed
>> I'm worried that it'll be hosed if I do the upgrade.
> i just had this exact same problem... i got around it by using aptitude
> and pretty much adding every X4.3 package i could find before hitting
> `g'... 

Er, why?  The only 4.3 package you really need is xserver-xfree86.

Don't worry, it's *in*-flammable.

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