>>"Andrew" == Andrew Pimlott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Andrew> How about:

 Andrew>  - When you vote, you additionally generate a random id and submit it
 Andrew>    with the vote.
 Andrew>  - In the vote list, the secretary publishes the id next to the vote.

 Andrew> You can still verify your vote, but you have no way to prove that you
 Andrew> chose a particular id, so you can't convince anyone that a particular
 Andrew> vote is yours.

        This is in no way better than the scheme we have coded and
 working right now. If someone can force you to give up your token,
 they can force you to divulge your random id; and if the id is next
 to the vote, you are sunk (The trick is, of course, that I'll get
 your ID from you before the vote tally sheet is published, so you
 can't fake it). 

        In one way it is worse: What if 50 people choose Mickey Flood
 as their randomg ID? In the case of server generated tokens, all
 tokens are _known_ to be unique. If you go to great lengths to ensure
 the ID is unique so you can verify it, the person who has forced you
 to give up the ID can be sure too.

 Andrew> A separate matter: It's important that a sample of developers
 Andrew> who did not vote verify that their names are not on the voter
 Andrew> list; and that someone verify that all of the names on the
 Andrew> voter list are Debian developers.

        The second shall be easy: The LDAP ID's shall be provided, a
 simple script can talk to LDAP and get the keys, and verify against
 the official key rings.

 Ad astra per aspera. [To the stars by aspiration.]
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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