On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 12:15:07PM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>       I would appreciate it if the sponsors would reply to
>  debian-vote@lists.debian.org with a signed message indicating whether
>  they are in agreement with withdrawing the support, or whether one or
>  more of them would like to become the primary sponsor of the GR and
>  carry on the process.

I agree with your interpretation that sponsors have responsibilities
and rights.  Thank you for asking.  =)

I hereby agree to the withdrawal of the GR.

michael d. ivey        [McQ] : "The surest way to make a monkey of
   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     :    a man is to quote him."
http://gweezlebur.com/~ivey/ :                       -- Robert Benchley
 encrypted email preferred   :

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