>>"Anthony" == Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

 >> > Actually, it's pretty easy. As part of the vote, you have an "order id",
 >> > and whichever of these is highest, no matter what order the votes were
 >> > received in, is accepted. So you give the bully the vote he wants, with
 >> > `one bazillion' in the order field, and then submit the vote you really
 >> > wanted with `one bazillion and one' in the order field. You need to be
 >> > careful with your acks and naks in this case though.

 >> But he will see that his vote wasn't counted, and punish you.  How
 >> can you foil him, without him knowing you foiled him?

 Anthony> How will he see that, exactly? There weren't any tallies
 Anthony> posted at the end to let people verify things, and every
 Anthony> correctly formatted, signed vote gets an ack, whether it
 Anthony> actually gets counted or not.

        Well, this year tally sheets shall indeed be presented, so
 that shan't work. If someone is indeed being coerced, please send me
 (or a DPL candidate other than the one you are being forced to vote
 for, or all of us) a signed message stating that. We'll see what can
 be done. 

 There are no children to take refuge in them, no father or any other
 relative. When a man is seized by that terminator, Death, there is no
 taking refuge in family. 288
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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