hi ted, craig,

On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 08:58:58AM -0500, Theodore Ts'o wrote:
> Craig,
> Thomas asked the mailing list as a whole if they thought your style of
> discourse was acceptable.  A number of responsible have responded that
> they thought it was not acceptable.  I will join that number.

and please add me to that list.

i would never dream of controlling what you could or could not say
or your freedom of self expression, but please ask yourself: just
because you have the right to say something, does that necessarily
mean you should, and to the extent that you have?  does it actually serve
a constructive purpose?

debian-* is a community of many people with many different sensibilities,
cultures, and values;  you would be a kind person if you were to take
that into account before spouting off like that.


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