> Yes. So, the right solution if I want to help is:
> - first I spend a lot of time proving that I'm skilled enough to read
>   crazy licenses in a language that is not mine

No, you only have to do this if you want to package software and upload
it into the archive without review.

> - then I spend another lot of time proving I'm skilled enough to package
>   complex stuff unrelated to my current skills (say python stuff, which
>   I know nothing about, or trying to have a library not breaking
>   everything in an upgrade)

No, you only have to do this if you want to package software and upload
it into the archive without review.

> - then I am granted the right to help fixing the bug I found a few
>   months ago

No, you don't have to do that to help fix the bug.  To help fix the bug,
all you have to do is post a patch on the bug log. If you think the
patch is being neglected, ask about it on debian-qa.


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