On Fri, 2008-03-14 at 11:40 -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>         I do not presume to be omniscient. But I believe lack of time,
>   which is reflected in lack of contribution to the debate on a topic,
>   and, even worse, lack of participation in the voting effort, is
>   definitely a root cause, and with associated indicators.

Would you support a resolution which said that if a tech-ctte member
failed to contribute, or failed to vote for, say, any two questions,
they would be replaceable at the discretion of the DPL?

We would need a way to measure contribution.  Perhaps any two of the
DPL, tech-ctte chair, and project secretary could declare that a member
had failed to contribute.

Oh, and we need a way to deal with the structural problem of questions
which get posed to tech-ctte and simply never answered at all.  Suppose
the tech-ctte fails to answer a question in, oh, three months, the
entire membership is removable at the discretion of the DPL?


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