For anyone who wants this, here's a new script that will sort your
delude log files and gives a simple easy to read report. This ones been
cleaned up since the last one, and takes into account garbled and
corrupt log files. Much easier to use, and no file renaming required.
The only thing you have to do is edit your IP for your internal mail
server, if you want.

Written in PERL. Just put it in a directory with the log files you want
checked, and it will do the rest, assuming you have PERL installed. 

Enjoy !

Sample output below :

 Log file dates from : 08/02/2003 to 08/19/2003
 Lines Processed   : 30763
 My Mail Server IP : [X.x.x.x]
 Whitelisted from Internal Server: 2539

 CAUTION : You have 83 WARNINGS/ERRORS in your log file
 CAUTION : You have 2 corrupt lines in your log file

 Total Messages Logged   : 11715
 Unique SMTP ID's Logged : 11118

* ACTIONS LOGGED  * COUNT **** PERCENTAGE ******************************

  White Listed    :  3390        28.9
  WEIGHT10        :  4734        40.4
  WEIGHT20        :   573        4.9
  WEIGHT202       :   573        4.9
  WEIGHT40        :  2986        25.5

* TESTS LOGGED  *** COUNT **** PERCENTAGE ******************************

  BADHEADERS      :  1987         17.0
  BASE64          :   119         1.0
  BLACKLIST       :   493         4.2
  FILTERWORDS     :  3794         32.4
  HELOBOGUS       :  2718         23.2
  IPBlacklist     :   283         2.4
  KILLERWORDS     :   445         3.8
  MAILFROM        :    44         0.4
  NOABUSE         :  1183         10.1
  NOPOSTMASTER    :  1074         9.2
  REVDNS          :   675         5.8
  REVDNSPROBLEM   :  1630         13.9
  ROUTING         :   144         1.2
  SPAMCOP         :   493         4.2
  SPAMHEADERS     :  2214         18.9
  VirusKill       :  1125         9.6



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