Looking at some logs for a client, and was slightly horrified. This guy
runs DECLUDE on a P-3 333mhz machine with 256 meg of RAM, off of half a
T-1. He WAS running about 2/3's of this level last month. Keep in mind,
he only has 80+/- users. He is getting about 95% kill ratio on his SPAM.

He has been seeing the new 'reflected email DDOS' attack for the last 9
months, and it's getting worse by the week. Email comes in addressed to
bogus internal users with a spoofed return address, which SMTP
faithfully attempts to 'return' when it finds no such person on the
internal network. The emails originate on literally hundreds of remote
boxes, so an IP filter is going to be hard to put together. If it wasn't
for Declude nuking the email, his Exchange box would be dead by now.

Any suggestions I can give him ? About all I have left is to change his
Domain name or co-locate his declude box upstream.


Log file dates from : 09/01/2003 to 09/30/2003
 Lines Processed   : 2856302
 My Mail Server IP : []
 Whitelisted from Internal Server: 8257

 CAUTION : You have 3263 WARNINGS/ERRORS in your log file
 CAUTION : You have 2208 corrupt lines in your log file

 Total Messages Logged   : 493894
 Unique SMTP ID's Logged : 237236

* ACTIONS LOGGED  * COUNT **** PERCENTAGE ******************************

  White Listed          : 11535        2.3
  2REALLYBADMAIL        :  8074        1.6
  DELETETHEMAIL         : 432363       87.5
  HOLDTHEMAIL           : 18536        3.8
  PASSTHEMAIL           : 21282        4.3
  REALLYBADMAIL         :  8073        1.6

* TESTS LOGGED  *** COUNT **** PERCENTAGE ******************************

  2REVDNS               : 169233        34.3
  BADHEADERS            : 311715        63.1
  BADTO                 : 167839        34.0
  BADTO2                : 115170        23.3
  BADTO3                : 111045        22.5
  BASE64                : 46344         9.4
  BLACKLIST             : 23354         4.7
  BLACKLIST2            :  2690         0.5
  DELETEWORDS           : 31476         6.4
  DELETEWORDS2          : 11753         2.4
  FILTERWORDS           : 261118        52.9
  IPBLACKLIST           :  1241         0.3
  MAILFROM              :  9903         2.0
  NOABUSE               : 167559        33.9
  NOPOSTMASTER          : 178892        36.2
  PERCENT               :     7         0.0
  REVDNS                : 169253        34.3
  ROUTING               : 168876        34.2
  SPAMCOP               : 360729        73.0
  SPAMHEADERS           : 36439         7.4
  WHITELST              :  4122         0.8


[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

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