if we comment out a test in global.cfg and leave its action in
will there be any problems ? errors, performance issues, ...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "R. Scott Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 1:52 PM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] EASYNET tests going away December 1

> FYI.  Here's a copy of their E-mail.
>                                            -Scott
> ---
> The easynet blacklists/spamfilters (,
>, and the easynet spamlists) will
> be discontinued starting Dec 1 2003.
> The zonefiles and associated files will be 'zero-sized' on that day.
> The domains will continue to resolve for a long time, but they will
> contain nothing more than the test records ( and
>, so they will not catch anything.
> Holy Crap!
> - Yep.
> FAQ?
> - Sure.
> Are you being DDos'ed out of existence?
> - Nope. They probably tried. We didn't even notice it.
> Are you being sued?
> - Nope. They probably tried. We didn't even notice it.
> Are you being threatened?
> - Frankly, we will miss that part.
> Are you tired?
> - Damn right.
> Are you giving up?
> - That is not the right word. There are plenty of fine blacklists,
> and new ones spring up every day. The wirehub/easynet lists served
> their purpose, but others may serve that purpose equally well.
> Isn't this all kinda sudden?
> - Yes. Sometimes, you just know that it's time to say goodbye. And
> the moment you know it, you must do it. Running blacklists on
> anything less than 100% motivation and energy is not how it should
> be done.
> Anything else?
> - Sure. These blacklists were maintained by a single person, all of
> them. Every day. Listings, delistings, finding new DSL/cable ranges,
> finding new open proxies, writing better scripts, handling all
> email, running statistics, publishing overviews, providing rsync
> areas, DNS tranfers. You name it. TINW. There's an I. And I want my
> life back, at least a little ;)
> Life?
> - Yes. Maybe not as we know it. Over the past 3-4 years, the
> maintainer of these lists has worked 7 days a week, 10-12 hours a
> day running these lists and handling all tasks and email associated
> with them. Not a single day has passed without at least processing
> delisting requests (the bare minimum).  And then there was the day
> job (which was really nothing more than running an ISP's server farm
> - peanuts, it's FreeBSD).
> Is that all?
> - There's more to it, but the details do not really concern you.
> Let's just say that the integrity of these lists might have been in
> jeopardy in the long run. There are two cardinal sins when it comes
> to blacklists: 1.  putting/keeping someone on them who should not be
> - 2. not putting someone on them who really should be. Avoiding '1'
> is a matter of discipline and a thick skin.  Avoiding '2' is a
> matter of being totally independent from all pressures surrounding
> you. Avoiding '2' has become increasingly difficult, and we'd rather
> stop with our integrity fully intact and our reputation unharmed.
> That is about now. Well, next week.
> We?
> - Yes, dropping that habit will take some time ;)
> Will you be back?
> - Probably. Lurking.
> Will you miss us?
> - Depends on how well target practice goes.
> Should we give up The Good Fight?
> - Hell no, we're winning. There's plenty of enthusiasm, and there
> are plenty of new and old blacklists doing fine work. Take your
> pick. Keep fighting. Fight for your spam laws. Educate. Annoy. Sue
> if you must. It's up to you now.
> Is there anything we can do?
> - Yes. Spread the word, please. Post to your local/national abuse
> groups, inform anyone you know who uses these lists, update your
> configurations.  Nothing will break after Dec 1, but there will come
> a day when these names (including the old Wirehub ones, which still
> resolve) will cease to resolve. This will probably be announced.
> Will the lists be back under a different name?
> - Probably not. It started out as 'doing some extra work to stop
> spam', because .. well .. FreeBSD and such, plenty of time left. And
> why not donate that work to the Internet community as well. In the
> long run. it turned out to be 'getting some sleep and maybe
> something to eat between emails and zone updates'. Sometimes, enough
> is just enough.
> Can't you just maintain one or two of the lists?
> - What did I just say?
> I have a question!
> - The email address will probably work throughout December. It may
> drop dead after that. Hope I won't.
> Goodbye all. It was invigorating, it was fun, it was necessary.
> Don't give up.
> Ben.
> -- 
> abuse handling dept. -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> - blacklists/dnsbls: -
> - aup: (dutch) ------
> - aup: (english) ----
> ---
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