Maybe im not quite familiar with the workings of the COMMENTS test, but
shouldn't the included text trigger that test?  

If not, what suggestions do you have? I see so much spam slip by that has
this charectristscs.

  <p>O</incinerate>ur U</courthouse>S Li</bimodal>censed Doc</kohlrabi>tors 
Prescr</multiplication>ibes Y</annulling>our Me</baxter>dication F</chlordane>or 
  <p>  Medicatio</phillip>ns&nbsp; Shi</rodeo>pped Overni</vaudeville>ght To 
Y</irene>our Do</lignite>.<BR>
<a href="";>sho</magnum>w
M</alfonso>e mo</brocade>re</a>
<p><img border="0" src="";></p>

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