07/05/2004 10:57:51 Q6c682c190080ebdc Triggered CONTAINS filter FILTER-VIAGRA-RX on HGH [weight->5; hgh SmtznGNrlFJahEpSe0JKcyEpUh].

So my questions:

Did it really fail on hgh with a trailing space?

Can you have a space in the encoding?

If the above is true then do you have any idea on how common a space in the encoding would be?

I believe what happened here is that Declude JunkMail's processing of the E-mail caused this to occur. Specifically, Declude JunkMail will turn carriage returns into spaces, so that you can filter on a phrase such as "this has more than one word", and it will catch the E-mail even if one line ends with "this has more than", and the next starts with "one word".

So if the MIME encoding line ended with "...hgh", it could be seen as "...hgh ...", with a space there.

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