I found a false positive blocked message that failed a vulnerability detected in a message with the following X-Mailer:

X-Mailer: Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; StarOffice/5.2;Linux)

Is there a known problem in this version of StarOffice? If so, is there a version that I could recommend upgrading to that would fix the issue?

Which vulnerability was detected? Typically the vulnerabilities are added for unusual reasons (the subject happens to be the wrong length, the user cuts-and-pastes information, etc.), so it may not even be known that a mail client is vulnerable until it sends out an E-mail with a vulnerability.

'Space Gap' was the issue. I assume that this is related to how the addresses are listed in this E-mail client. I can shoot you the headers if you wish.

If you could send the headers, that would be helpful. It most likely is due to a version of Mozilla that isn't RFC-compliant, but by checking the headers I can let you know for certain.

Now that there is invalid file detection as a vulnerability, I'm concerned about turning this stuff off. Are file vulnerabilities tied to the same switch for vulnerability detection?


That's very unfortunate. Please consider the ability to at least turn these off and on seperate from the other vulnerabilities.

It's something that we are considering. I personally don't like the idea, but if the boss wants it, it'll happen. :)

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