Having started this thread, I now feel that maybe it was too quick to expect anything from Declude other than a “We are reviewing the situation – will get back too you soon.” It has been only 24 hours. A thought-out response is better than a quick, “off the top of the head” one.  Technically the product is probably not dead-end, but from an old customer base standpoint, it may well be.  I sure can’t afford the future annual service agreements much less the upgrade cost. I think Ipswitch, while in their rights to direct their product as they please, forgot something important – consideration of their existing customers.




Matt wrote:

Scott and the management at Declude might want to continue their silence regarding target platforms, but they need to make it known before I make a conscious choice in order to have a better chance of keeping my business, and I would think that it would be in their best interest to let others know as well because it is clear in the IMail list that people are making choices rather quickly.  Sure, IMail 8 and Declude as a pair will limp along for some time, but they are dead-end products at the moment. 

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