I think you missed the real point of Andy's email.


The last official Declude release was 4.4.0 on 3/17/2008. It's already
Febuary 2009, so it's about a year with no with no official releases. That
doesn't make me feel like I'm getting much out of my maintenance renewal






Scott Fisher
Director of IT
Farm Progress Companies
255 38th Avenue, Suite P
St. Charles IL 60174-5410
fax 630/462-2957
www.farmprogress.com <http://www.farmprogress.com/>    

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-----Original Message-----
From: supp...@declude.com [mailto:supp...@declude.com] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 12:02 PM
To: declude.virus@declude.com
Subject: RE: [Declude.Virus] Parsing of Report.txt
Sensitivity: Personal


Hi Andy we will certainly look at this, although to be clear, it is very
presumptions to say that adding this will only be 2 min work.  Please be
careful when making statements like this because it raises a false
expectation for others. You have no idea about the complexity of the code,
other items being worked on, priorities, resource allocation, support,
issues, costs or time available.


David Barker
VP Operations Declude
Your Email security is our business
978.499.2933 office
978.988.1311 fax
 <mailto:dbar...@declude.com> dbar...@declude.com




From: supp...@declude.com [mailto:supp...@declude.com] On Behalf Of Andy
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 12:44 PM
To: declude.virus@declude.com
Subject: [Declude.Virus] Parsing of Report.txt
Sensitivity: Personal




With the ability of ClamD to run at lightning speed as a native Windows
service (e.g., http://oss.netfarm.it/clamav, without CygWin), offering
frequent updates during the day (quite contrary to the internal scanner that
often lags days behind) and has acceptable licensing terms - it certainly is
a highly attractive external scanner that should be fully supported by
Declude after ClamAV has been around for all these years.


Sadly, since Declude hasn't seen any feature updates in ages, the virus.cfg
parameter "REPORT" still can't parse the virus reports generated by
ClamDScan. Consequently, the Declude virus log files and virus notification
emails are missing file and virus name info.


I took 2 minutes and created a small .JS script that parses the ClamDScan
report file and then outputs a "McAfee" lookalike just to make Declude
happy. But that means that yet another batch process is now chewing up
Windows' limited resources.


To justify THIS year's maintenance renewal money, can PLEASE have someone
spend the same 2 minutes in the Declude source code to correctly parse the
ClamDScan output:



c:\maintenance\eicar.com: Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND


Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

Andy Schmidt




// RunClam.js

// Launches ClamD and reformats output to compensate

// for Decludes inability to correctly parse the report

// (Declude is no longer actively maintained.)


// Application Constants

var strClamAV = "C:\\Program Files\\ClamAV\\ClamDScan.exe";


// Get Command Line Parameter

if ( WScript.Arguments.Count() == 0 )

          // nothing to scan

          WScript.Quit( 2 );

var strPath = WScript.Arguments(0);


// Run ClamAV

var objShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");

var objExec = objShell.Exec( strClamAV + " " + strPath );


var strLine;

var nSeperator, nFound;

var bHaveFound = false;

while ( !objExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream )


          // Process ClamAV Output

          strLine = objExec.StdOut.ReadLine();

          if ( bHaveFound )


          nFound = strLine.indexOf( " FOUND" );

          if ( nFound > 0 )


                   nSeperator = strLine.indexOf( ": " );

                   if ( nSeperator < 1 )


                   // Appears to be a possible virus report

                   bHaveFound = true;


                   var objFS = new

                   objTS = objFS.CreateTextFile( "Report.txt" );
// Create Declude Report File

                   objTS.WriteLine( strLine.substring( 0, nSeperator ) + "
FOUND " + strLine.substring( nSeperator + 2, nFound ) );





// Wait for completion to be able to obtain exit code

while ( objExec.Status != 1 )



WScript.Quit( objExec.ExitCode );


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