If you upgraded to Declude 4.11.09 to avoid the AVG licence issue, you’ll find 
that it was a bandaid, and that build’s usefulness also expired 
contemporaneously with David and Linda’s employee status, on January 31, 2013.

C:\IMail>strings decludeproc.exe| grep  "LicBeg"

LicBeg, Ver=1.1, Name="Declude", Exp=2013-01-31, +Av, Sign=blahblahblah

You still received updates for a grace period (the files with zero bytes are 
normal for the Declude implementation of AVG):

C:\IMail>dir C:\IMail\declude\scanners\AVG\db

Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is 9471-8A74

Directory of C:\IMail\declude\scanners\AVG\db

03/22/2013  07:47 AM    <DIR>          .

03/22/2013  07:47 AM    <DIR>          ..

03/19/2013  02:44 PM                 0 avi7.avg

03/19/2013  02:44 PM                 0 microavi.avg

03/19/2013  02:44 PM                 0 miniavi.avg

03/22/2013  07:47 AM        71,002,023 incavi.avm

               4 File(s)     71,002,023 bytes

               2 Dir(s)  11,036,254,208 bytes free


This might be addressed in the latest (last?) build which you can obtain 
through the interim downloads website (log into your client support site for 
the link).

If I remember correctly, that build is on 2013-03-15 with v4.12.02 that 
specifically cites in the change log ReadMe.txt:

4.12.02 ==>  Fix: update AVG Key

4.12.01 ==>  Fix: AVG Bug

4.12.00 ==>  Fix: update AVG Key

Which (I think) also fixes the “ERROR: Failed Initialize AVG 183” being spammed 
all over your c:\imail\declude\diags.txt


From: Dean Lawrence [mailto:dean...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 7:33 AM
To: declude.junkm...@declude.com
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Declude stopped logging, high CPU usage, slow 

Thanks Dave, will do.

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 10:25 AM, David Barker <dbar...@declude.com> wrote:


There is currently an issue with the AVG that we are currently working on. As 
far as backup in the \proc directory and the 0 Kb log that seems like a 
different issue. Can you please contact supp...@declude.com for assistance.

David Barker
VP Operations Declude
Your Email security is our business
978.499.2933 office
978.988.1311 fax
dbar...@declude.com <mailto:dbar...@declude.com>

From: Dean Lawrence [mailto:dean...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 10:18 AM
To: declude.junkm...@declude.com
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Declude stopped logging, high CPU usage, slow 

The subject says it all. This morning, declude stated to have high cpu usage, 
the log file is 0k and messages are backing up in the proc directory. I looked 
in the diags.txt and I see this message:

ERROR: Failed Initialize AVG 183Daisy Chain                             

I was running 4.11 and upgraded to 4.11.09 and still have the same results. Any 

Dean M. Lawrence
p // 888.438.4381 ext. 701 <tel:888.438.4381%20ext.%20701>
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Social Marketing | SEO | Design | Internet Development

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just send an E-mail to imail...@declude.com, and type "unsubscribe 
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Dean M. Lawrence
p // 888.438.4381 ext. 701
w // www.idatatech.com
f // www.facebook.com/idatatech
t // www.twitter.com/idatatech

Social Marketing | SEO | Design | Internet Development

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