
I really could use some help with this issue, thanks.

I'm trying to make a grid-like series of short but wide panels, one on
top of the other in which are various labels, buttons, RTF editors and a
trackbar. It is populated from a dataset. More specifically, these are
lists of patient symptoms (1 panel to show the label)  with two editors
for symptom and evaluation details with a track bar for entering
subjective improvement in percent. All these symptom panels are in a
scroll box.

I tried using a wwDBGrid but it just didn't give me what I want.

Anyway, my solution is to dynamically create the main panel (wide and
short on a Scroll Box) and then to that panel add 4 narrower panels
(symptom label, two RTF editor, and trackbar) across this wider panel.
All this works just fine, BTW. Where my BIG problem is, is that no
matter what I try I can't properly free the components when the form
using them is Closed.

Controls.pas; TWinControls.WndProc, someplace in the WndProc inherited,
throws a AV.

I've tried to use a set of arrays of TPanel, TLabel , etc.
I've tried using TComponentList, one list for each component on the main
panel, an ADD for each symptom/main panel added
I've tried using an array of TComponentList where each TComponentList is
the group of all components for each symptom-panel.

What I've observed is that everything works fine when I create the main
panel and add up to 3 of the sub-panels. It doesn't matter which is the
fourth panel I add (i.e. there nothing inheritly wrong with the
sub-panels), but adding the forth panel (it can be the first or last of
the four required panels) is when I get the AV after freeing everything
and the form is closing.

I've tried going ahead and adding other components, and although not
finished, so far everything is fine. There's something about addng the
fourth panel that causes problems.

Any suggestions or hints?

Thank you,

Chuck Belanger

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